Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Parody by DanaH (2020)

[A Dog’s] Sweet Escape (based on true events)

I created my parody of Sweet Escape exploring my dog’s perspective while running away from home. Experiencing his sweet escape, if you will. I encountered some challenges while creating this project. The largest one being the high pitch singing in the original track, which made it very difficult to remove the vocals because the tones of the vocals overlapped significantly with the tones in the instrumental, especially a sort of jangly sound in the background. I did not fully overcome this challenge, but I was able to come close by experimenting with the plug-ins and tools in Pro Tools. Being able to adapt to challenging situations and experiment with the tools at my disposal was a valuable skill I grew through this experience. If I could change this project, I would want to do more to remove the vocals. I would do this by seeking help from online resources or during office hours after my own experimentation. I am most proud of what I have learned in this project. After spending more time with Pro Tools, I have familiarized myself with the interface and I feel confident in my abilities to use the software. This is something I can take forward in my Freestyle Academy journey. I will also take forward what I learned about the value in experimenting with new tools.

The peer sharing experience for this project was intimidating at first, because I was not thrilled about sharing what I considered to be an embarrassing creation. However, laughing with my group and hearing their creations made me feel both very humble and open. My peers made me feel accepted and everyone was laughing at everyone else’s creations. This made me realize that my peers were likely having the same thoughts as I had about their own creations and by coming together in a welcoming way we could overcome embarrassment.